Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Go go go go

It's nearing the end of my second-to-last semester of graduate school, the holidays are about to hit, and our extraordinarily stellar events series is being its extraordinarily stellar self (Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen is tonight, this event will be glorious).  In short, life is busy.

My favorite picture of the Booksmith is this one, taken a few months ago, before our event with Chris Matthews, or was it Molly Ringwald?  I honestly don't remember. Point is, we brought out every single folding chair we had in the store and put it in our event space. I remember running around before the event, making sure everything was taken care of, and I took this picture when I went to test the mic. The room was empty, save the chairs, and it was an amazing sight to see.  In ten minutes, people would start filing in and the room would transform, but for now?  It was quiet and exciting in its own way, the chairs just waiting for people to occupy them for an hour or two. 

This may sound silly, but I often marvel at our events series.  We pull it off, the events team and I, and we're lucky to be part of this niche in the Boston literary scene. I hope you've either been to an event or are planning to go to one, because this here, when we all come together and are bubbling with excitement over getting to hear an author we love love love speak?  That's the best part of my job.

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