What books should I buy?
Now, we're about to delve into some dangerous territory where we judge books by their cover, but this cannot be helped. We must be ruthless, so I've made a handy list of questions to help.

2. Have you been meaning to read this book for ages, to the point where you are hiding from the person who suggested it to you because you keep meaning to read it but haven't yet?
3. Will the spines look good on your shelf, as is the case of NYRB Classics rainbow spines, or Melville House's Art of the Novella series? Will your guests sigh over the beautiful continuity on your bookself, one they will jealously imagine later on as they stare at their own, less color-coordinated shelves?

5. Is it signed? Will you let that book slip through your fingers, knowing it has been touched by an author you love?
6. Is it a new edition of a book you already own multiple editions of? Yes. Of course yes. The only thing is, you have to buy the rest in the series because they're right next to them, and used at that! (Confidential to Penguin Classics, Harper Perennial and the like: You are my weakness, and I hope I never acquire the ability to overcome you)
7. Has this book been haunting you? Do you flip through it any chance you get, admiring the pages and the words upon it? Do you dream about it at night?
Buying books for yourself, especially among booksellers, can be an emotionally wrought process full of highs and lows. In the case of my co-worker: she went home laden with heavy books but light with the glee of owning tomes she had been wanting for ages. Good decision? Yes.
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