Monday, April 5, 2010

Farewell To A Pal

Upon my return from vacation, I, freshly shorn, shed a tear and an adieu to our beloved, if heavily soiled Mr. Carpet. Even though you were more of a Rorschach (the test, not the Watchmen character (though he applies as well)) of filth you were a treat to walk on. How many fellow patrons have strolled across your grime-sodden surface over the years? A Million? That's two million feet! Huzzah! But all god things must come to an end. And thanks to the ban on trans fat we had to expedite the process of replacing you, what with all the gastronomic spillage that had since seeped into the very core of your fabric. Laws are laws but you will always be in, the, law of our love, or whatever. I mean, don't get me wrong. You were quite easy to replace, both physically - since we outsourced that duty - and mentally. Yes, we have shorn you like snakeskin. Only, in this case, they tossed your rank remnants straight to the trash, son, instead of in a drawer to forever reckoned to be whipped out at parties as a sort of ha-ha-funny gag. But you will be missed. You were there when I started at Booksmith many moons ago. Though I have tried to limit physical contact with you, often in the improvised form of shopping and trash bag gloves, you have touched me in many ways. I have sauntered over you. I have introduced my wife to you. I have piled books on you and spilled $40 worth of coke (the drink) on you. I have worked by your side. Godspeed, Mr. Carpet! We were brothers from another mother.

Now lets make the new carpet feel welcome!


[warning! shameful self-promotion content]

In other news, me and my press Greying Ghost will be selling books in NYC May 3-4th at CUNY! | INFO

Please come on down and hear some great readers and support some truly innovative and admirable small press folk. It'll be an absolute hoot! festival facebook page

Be well!

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