Sunday, August 1, 2010

Box O' Books

Each year around this time, my sibs and families gather in Ipswich, Ma. where our Dad lives. Everyone but me lives in Virginia except one niece and family (newest member born 7/28!) in Atlanta. It's precious time and, nowadays, about the only time we're all together. There are numerous traditions we observe. One is the box o' books I bring for everyone to sift through.

The books are galleys or ARCs (advanced reading copies) sent out by publishers to get some buzz going on upcoming titles. Friends and family love this jump on the general reading public. They also get a kick out of seeing what a not yet fully edited book is like - makes we who are not editors feel good about our grammar and punctuation skills. All enjoy starting our own predictions of the next notable titles and then watching to see if they pan out. It's a fun benefit of knowing someone in the book biz.

My brother likes Bill Bryson's upcoming At Home which is full of amazing word derivations based on homes of long ago. And, being by Bryson, the book is hilarious, as well. A fave of my sister-in-law (such a wierd term - she's really just a dear sister - no law required), is Gail Caldwell's exquisite new memoir, Let's Take The Long Way Home. I also loved it and you can hear the author read and discuss the book at our store on Tues. , Aug. 17 at 7:00 p.m. - no tickets needed.

Yay! I learned how to link! And in the process noted two fine books about "home" which brings me right back to being with family. Excellent.

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