Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Surfers of the Internet might have met OMG Cat yesterday.

Just in time for tonight's writer, Clea Simon, who writes mysteries about a woman aided by the ghost of her dead cat. She's coming to talk about her latest, Grey Matters.

Not to judge a book by its cover, but how freaking cute can you get? Ms. Simon adds to the tradition of cat-based mysteries (see: The Cat Who... series by Lillian Jackson Braun). And there are other wildly popular cat books as well (see: The Warriors; Dewey).

I've been meaning to read Natsume Soseki's I Am a Cat trilogy for years now which, according to the publisher's blurb, "follows the whimsical adventures of a world-weary stray kitten who comments on the follies and foibles of the people around him" so that he might satirize the mores of late 19th century Japan.

My favorite writing about cats has to be Kelly Link's. In her ridiculously charming fantasies, cats aid and abet witches and save families from hordes of tiny homunculi riding bunny rabbits (in two standout stories in Stranger Things Happen).

And sorry, OMG Cat, my favorite cat video is and, despite overexposure, always will be, Keyboard Cat.

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