Sunday, April 3, 2011

Poetic license lets you lisp thelectively.

We’ve told you twice if we’ve told you onthe:
April is National Poetry Month.
Do you know someone whose heart is young,
who’d like some verse to be read or sung,
anthologized or in quick haiku?
Then boy, do we have a shelf for you.
Prelutsky’s on it, and Silverstein
with Sidman sticking out in between.
The Tree That Time Built and In the Wild
are great for that scientific child.
There’s Stevenson for the classics buff,
and Milne, if Stevenson’s not enough.
If kids are tiny, it’s not too soon.
There’s Boynton’s Chickens, there’s Yolen’s Moon.
There’s more! There’s poetry on parade—
the one-word poems of Lemonade,
the ones selected by Kennedys,
and some with titles less brief than these.
So, be ye expert, or be ye dunthe,
come get your verse, this or any month!

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